How Rasulullah SAW loves & misses us.

May this entry be useful. InsyaAllah.
Let's get further.

A hadith said that once Rasulullah are sitting with his friends. Among them were Saidina Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, Ali & more.

Rasulullah SAW asked them
"Do you know who are Allah slaves whom are the most noble by His side?"

One of them answered,
"The angels, ya Rasulullah!"

Rasulullah SAW answered,
"Yes they are. They're close to Allah, they always worship Allah all the time. Of course they're noble. But that's not what I meant."

The friends kept quiet. Then they say,
"The prophets, ya Rasulullah."

But then Rasulullah SAW answered,
"Yes, of course they are. They are Allah's messenger. How come they aren't noble. However, there are the ones nobler."

Once again, the friends kept quiet. Then they say,
"Is it us, ya Rasulullah? Is it us whom you meant?"

Rasulullah SAW looked at them, one by one. He smiled and says,
" Yes of course all of you are. All of you are close to me. All of you help my struggle. How come all of you be not noble. But then, there are ones nobler."

The friends kept quiet again. A long silence. Then, Rasulullah SAW cried in front of all of them. He looked at them, tears rolling on his cheeks.
He said,
"They are the ones who are born far after my death. They love Allah, though they never see my face. They never look at me like how all of you did. But they really love me. They're the most noble ones. They're my ummah!"

From this, ask ourselves again.
Are we worthy to be loved and being missed by Rasulullah SAW with how we are acting now? Wallahualam. 
Think again, let's change. Be the one whom is worthy to receive love and miss from Rasulullah SAW. InsyaAllah. Let's work on together. :')